The End of World Hunger

Starts in Los Angeles

Our mission is to end hunger by building non-profit autonomous food factories powered by cell-based food technology… and Los Angeles is ground zero!

Over the last 50 years, efforts made by humanity to end world hunger have sadly been made in vain. Despite vast amounts of time, energy, and resources allocated to fight food insecurity, there remain over 1 billion people malnourished and slowly dying from starvation. At the same time, factory farming has become a global monstrosity that slaughters over 70 billion animals annually while relentlessly polluting our planet.

The correlation between these two atrocities highlights a disturbing reality. While we produce an abundance of food to feed 70 billion animals, we ignore feeding 1 billion people suffering from food insecurity. This alarming revelation is being altered because today, humanity has a real and viable solution to end both hunger and factory farming simultaneously.

Welcome to SUPERUS, a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization based in Los Angeles, California.

What is cell-based food?

We are mass-producing enough beef, poultry, pork, and fish to feed every hungry person without killing a single animal. Advanced cell-based food technology utilizes 99% less space compared to factory farming and eliminates the generation of toxic emissions. Furthermore, our production process ensures that our meat and fish are free from carcinogens such as antibiotics, hormones, GMOs, microplastics, and mercury.

Learn about the clean and environmentally friendly meat and fish we are producing to eradicate hunger forever!

How do we end hunger?

Cell-based food technology is arguably one of humanity’s greatest innovations of the 21st century. Why? Because, for the first time in history, we have a real and viable solution to eradicate hunger once and for all.

The following video explains how we are using this technology and why Los Angeles is ground zero.