The Superus 33 is a collection of timeless principles drawn from the wisdom of some of humanity’s most inspirational figures, including teachers, mystics, philosophers, scientists, activists, visionaries, and peacemakers. Resonating with worldly and universal truths, Superus turns to these 33 principles to guide decision-making, define societal ethics, and justify moral reasoning. 

1.   Wield the power of our word with integrity.

2.   Avoid judging others by seeking to understand others.

3.   Prevent indoctrination by encouraging our children to think for themselves, evaluate evidence, and challenge our beliefs.

4.   Respect our teenagers as young adults by honoring their seat at the table.

5.   Secure clean water, food, shelter, and medical care for our children, the elderly, the sick, disabled, and impoverished.

6.   Denounce discrimination based on age, appearance, gender, physical ability, sexuality, status, or species.

7.   Advocate freedom of prayer, religion, and beliefs, provided they are not enforceable or detrimental to others.

8.   Advocate freedom of speech and expression, provided neither violence nor acts of aggression are promoted.

9.   Defend the divine right of all sentients to live free from harm or oppression and to peacefully assemble for any just cause.

10.  Practice non-harm and non-violence in our words and actions while fighting for global disarmament.

11.  Be mindful that our actions create karma, shaping our realities.

12.  Correct our mistakes by accepting responsibility for our actions and making amends with those affected.

13.  Forgive wrongdoing freely admitted, honestly regretted, or unconsciously committed.

14.  Take nothing personally; actions, behaviors, and beliefs are projections of awareness, experiences, and understanding.

15.  Reject the use of obscene or offensive speech.

16.  Do not take anything that hasn’t been given to us.

17.  Avoid longing for someone else’s life or possessions by embracing the blessings we have.

18.  Do not use drugs for recreational purposes, nor prohibit or punish those who do.

19.  Dismantle our conditioned mindsets by using critical and rational thinking to question everything.

20.  Acknowledge our biases and their influence on how we interpret information.

21.  Champion what we believe is right, denounce what we deem is wrong, and change our beliefs should evidence warrant it.

22.  Uphold dissent, debate, or dispute as vital tools for resolving conflict and reaching consensus.

23.  Avidly share knowledge gained to empower others and foster peace.

24.  Create purpose by dedicating our talents to causes that benefit humanity and the world.

25.  Cultivate inner peace and avoid regret by always doing our best.

26.  Prioritize autonomy and self-discovery over sacred union and procreation during early adulthood.

27.  Sleep only with mentally sound adults who freely and explicitly consent without coercion, pressure, or manipulation.

28.  Enter sacred union with our best friend by vowing to love and support each other unconditionally.

29.  Procreate only after securing the basic survival needs of our unborn children.

30.  Devote ample time every day to our ‘self.’

31.  Devote one day every week with our loved ones.

32.  Protect our planet and its sentient life while valuing the future on a timescale beyond our own.

33.  Embody the aforesaid principles and become Loving Awareness.

Your happiness is our happiness.

Your suffering is our suffering.

We all do well when we all do well.

May loving awareness unite us into a new age of peace & prosperity for all.
